Tell me what you think about in the shower & I will tell you what you are passionate about.

Emma Storey-Gordon
1 min readJul 12, 2021


Here is the theory: Whatever you think about in the shower is what you are most passionate about.

Or, at least, it is the primary idea you are contemplating, problem you are trying to solve or life stress you’re working to overcome.

Put in another way: When you’re free to think about anything. What are you thinking about?

People struggle to find their passion in life. Actually scrap that, people struggle to identify their passion. It is usually right in front of you.

If you are frequently thinking about the same things in the shower maybe that will lead you to an answer.

I have my best ideas and introspections in the shower.

Today I was thinking about Dan Osman

And a conversation we had yesterday about a very telling trend within the fitness industry.. Click here to have a read.



Emma Storey-Gordon

I am a business owner, exercise & nutrition geek, personal trainer and life long learner. I write to think and I hope it sparks your brain too