Your body image has little to do with how you look

Emma Storey-Gordon
2 min readJul 20, 2021


The ‘best looking’ people don’t have the best body image.

(In fact, they often have the worst)

Poor body image comes from placing too much emphasis on how you look rather than *how you actually look*

If body image was simply about looking a certain way then models would have great body image right? Spoiler: they don’t!

The people we often idolise for how they look- models, celebs, classically ‘good looking’ people tend to have AWFUL body image problems.


Because they place a huge amount of their self worth on the way they look.

You might think that looking a certain way will improve your body image but the likelihood is if you’re critiquing your body now you will continue to critique your body no matter how it looks.

The key to improving your body image is to call yourself out on negative self talk and start valuing yourself for what really matters — who you are, what you do, how you show up, the impact you have on others.

The best thing you can do to improve your body image isn’t to lose fat (do that if you want but not under the guise it will magically improve your body image) it’s to stop placing so much emphasis on how you look!

You’re so much more than that!!! 🙌


If you are following people that are constantly pointing out their ‘flaws’ it is often a sign of poor body image.

It’s usually self protection via self depreciation — if I point this out first then no one else can.

Or, looking for reassurance.. typical example: ‘I feel a bit fluffy’ post looking for ‘omg you look great hun’



Emma Storey-Gordon

I am a business owner, exercise & nutrition geek, personal trainer and life long learner. I write to think and I hope it sparks your brain too